The Archives consists of records, images and artefacts concerning the Pallottines.
Pallottine Archivist
60 Fifth Avenue, Rossmoyne WA 6148
Tel: +61 8 9354 0208
Fax: +61 8 9457 0532
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
History of the Archives
In their present form, the Archives of the Pallottine Fathers & Brothers- Australian Region are of recent origin. Prior to the formation of the Archives files that were regarded of some historical values were stored in boxes after their usefulness in the office filing cabinet came to an end. There were records of property transactions, meetings, contracts, conferences, letters from past members, from Rome etc, all just lumped together as they came out of the office cabinets. Pope John Paul II described archives as places of memory of the Christian community and storehouses of culture for the new evangelisation. He emphasised that the various religious authorities have a responsibility which they cannot ignore; they should preserve both ancient archives and current records.
In the early 1990s Br Wim van Veen had been given the task of collating the history of Tardun. In 1997 Fr Kelvin Kenny SAC was appointed as Archivist, to try to establish some sort of order in the documents that were accumulating in all Pallottine houses around Australia.
The Pallottines had come to Australia in 1901 to take over the Trappist missions to the Aboriginal people of Beagle Bay in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. In 1935 the Pallottine superior was appointed Bishop. Thus he was both the superior of the Pallottines in Australia and Vicar Apostolic of the Kimberley. When Broome became a diocese, all earlier records held in Broome became Diocesan records and part of the Diocesan archives. The material in this archives dates from the early 30’s when the Society established it’s a community in Kew, Victoria. The Australian Region was promulgated in November 1946 and Kew was the headquarters. The Regional headquarters moved to Rossmoyne, Western Australia in 1984 and back to Kew in 2014.
The main collection is controlled from the rear of the Epiphany Hall at 60 Fifth Avenue, Rossmoyne. There are parts of the collection that reside at Pallotti College, Box Hill, Kew, and at other houses in the west.
Sr Brigida Nialon CSB has published the history of the Pallottines in Australia under the title ‘Nothing is wasted in the household of God’.
The Mariana Community is a group of lay women who have recognised and responded to Christ’s invitation to live a consecrated life in and for the world. Inspired by Mary, St Vincent Pallotti and others, we live with a firm commitment to act with love, guided by the following Spirit Statement:
Mariana women, inspired by the discipleship of Mary, Pallotti and others, live lives of love in and for the world - acting justly, loving tenderly, and walking humbly with our God, as we respond to the call to transform all of creation.
After a formation time we have a Consecration Ceremony at which we pledge to live loving God and others with the help of the promises of chastity, poverty and obedience according to the Mariana way of life. The individuals’ giftedness influences the way each member takes responsibility for putting this commitment into practice.
Since our beginnings in 1957, we have been a small group of women who continue to develop an understanding of living as single consecrated women within the Church and in society. We support each other through our prayer life, our liturgical celebrations, our gatherings, ongoing formation and connectedness - both formally and informally - within the everyday. We are committed to implementing Laudato si in our homes and lives.
Individually, members are responsible for their own finances, employment, living arrangements, and retirement. Members have followed a range of occupations always endeavouring to witness to the love of God in all spheres of their lives. We have reached the stage where no members of our Community are still in the paid workforce.
There are members in two states of Australia. Most of us however live in and around Melbourne. We are part of day-to-day Australian society sharing in responding to the many issues that impact our lives. The Mariana Community is an autonomous member body of the Union of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottine Family) and so has worldwide links.
For further information please write to:
Mariana Community
31a Gooch Street, Thornbury Vic 3071
or phone Cheryl Sullivan on 0417 386 706
St. Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850), recognizing the problems and potentials of the Church of his time (1835), called for a renewal of faith and re-enkindling of love and hope of the faithful for a new apostolate of all the baptized in the Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC).
The priests and brothers of this Union he called together in a community (1846) now known as "Society of the Catholic Apostolate" (SAC), with more than 2000 members all over the world.
St. Vincent Pallotti was born in Rome, 21st April 1795. Ordained priest on the 16th of May, 1818.
On the 4th of April 1835 he founded the Union of Catholic Apostolate, bringing together priests, men and women religious, and lay people; united as a faith community for the common purpose of living and spreading the Good News.
In 1846 he formed a community of priests and brothers now known as the Society of the Catholic Apostolate.
He died on the 22nd of January 1850 at the centre of his new community, the church of San Salvatore in Onda, Rome.
He was beatified by Pius XlI on the 22nd of January 1950, and proclaimed a Saint by John XXIII, 20th January 1963.
St. Vincent Pallotti gave special emphasis to the fact that every Christian has from Jesus a mission for the Church and for the world. He was aware that the bishops, priests, and religious alone cannot carry total responsibility for evangelization. Lay people, too, have the obligation and the right to actively participate in the mission of the Church.
This concept was new at the time of Vincent Pallotti, and to implement it he founded the Union of Catholic Apostolate. He meant this Union to be an association of priests, religious, and lay people who together would strive to awaken in all a consciousness of their call to the apostate of Jesus Christ. Moreover, they are called to bring this consciousness to all parts of the world.
Pope Paul VI said that Pallotti teaches us "to respect the vocation of lay Christians by providing adequate opportunity for its mature development".
Pope John Paul II, speaking to the Pallottine Family in 1986, called on all members to "continue to multiply your commitment so that what Vincent Pallotti prophetically announced, and the Second Vatican Council authoritatively confirmed, might become a happy reality, and that all Christians might become authentic apostles of Christ in the Church and the world!"
Pallottine Priests and Brothers came to Australia from the German Province in 1901 to pastor to the Aboriginal people of Beagle Bay Mission in the Kimberley.
From there they spread to other missions and parishes in Western Australia and eventually to the Eastern States of Australia.
Click here for present locations of Australian Pallottine communities.
St. Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850) recognizing the problems and potentials of the Church of his time (1835), called for a renewal of faith and re-enkindling of love and hope of the faithful for a new apostolate of all the baptized in the Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC).
The priests and brothers of this Union he called together in a community (1846) now known as "Society of the Catholic Apostolate" (SAC), with more than 2000 members all over the world.
St. Vincent Pallotti was born in Rome, 21st April 1795. Ordained priest on the 16th of May, 1818.
On the 4th of April 1835 he founded the Union of Catholic Apostolate, bringing together priests, men and women religious, and lay people; united as a faith community for the common purpose of living and spreading the Good News.
In 1846 he formed a community of priests and brothers now known as the Society of the Catholic Apostolate.
He died on the 22nd of January 1850 at the centre of his new community, the church of San Salvatore in Onda, Rome.
He was beatified by Pius XlI on the 22nd of January 1950, and proclaimed a Saint by John XXIII, 20th January 1963.
St. Vincent Pallotti gave special emphasis to the fact that every Christian has from Jesus a mission for the Church and for the world. He was aware that the bishops, priests, and religious alone cannot carry total responsibility for evangelization. Lay people, too, have the obligation and the right to actively participate in the mission of the Church.
This concept was new at the time of Vincent Pallotti, and to implement it he founded the Union of Catholic Apostolate.
He meant this Union to be an association of priests, religious, and lay people who together would strive to awaken in all a consciousness of their call to the apostate of Jesus Christ. Moreover, they are called to bring this consciousness to all parts of the world.
Pope Paul VI said that Pallotti teaches us "to respect the vocation of lay Christians by providing adequate opportunity for its mature development".
Pope John Paul II, speaking to the Pallottine Family in 1986, called on all members to "continue to multiply your commitment so that what Vincent Pallotti prophetically announced, and the Second Vatican Council authoritatively confirmed, might become a happy reality, and that all Christians might become authentic apostles of Christ in the Church and the world!"
Pallottine Priests and Brothers came to Australia from the German Province in 1901 to pastor to the Aboriginal people of Beagle Bay Mission in the Kimberley.
From there they spread to other missions and parishes in Western Australia and eventually to the Eastern States of Australia.
Pallottines Australia
Pallottines International
"Who will not burn with holy enthusiasm and aid the Society with his help and cooperation?" This question, asked by Saint Vincent Pallotti nearly two hundred years ago, still demands an answer today. We invite you to learn more about us, the Society of the Catholic Apostolate. The Charism of our founder, Saint Vincent Pallotti, invites all believers to realize their apostolic vocation-to love God and to shower God's love on others. Under the protection and guidance of Mary, Queen of Apostles, we work to do everything possible for the infinite glory of God. We invite you to join with us in being an image of God's love to all.
As a Pallottine Father or Brother you will be called to sacrifice the need for personal power and possessions, the option of marriage and other choices. Life in the Pallottine Community is fulfilled through each member’s unique contribution in furthering the Church’s mission to renew faith and rekindle love.
Discerning your call to become a Pallottine requires prayer and reflection. Walking with God allows you to better understand how the Lord is working in your life. Personal prayer offers strong support in any major life defining decision. Seek the prayerful support of family and friends as a component in your decision. Listen and you will hear what God has planned for you.
Spiritual direction is also a powerful means of discerning the Lord’s call in your life. A spiritual director will help you better understand where God is leading you and encourage you to live a deeper spiritual life faithfully responding to the Lord.
A Vocation Prayer
God, our creator, you have given me the gift of life.
Through Baptism you invite me to share that gift of life in service to others.
Be with me as I choose each day to show your presence to all I meet.
Please guide me and help me to know the vocation to which you are calling me.
Give me the generosity and courage to respond to you so that I might live life fully, enriching others along the way.
Vocations Team:
Contact: | Br Lindsay Rust SAC |
Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Mobile Phone: | 0417 648 162 |
Postal Address: | 74 Grange Road Glen Huntly Vic 3163 |
Trying to understand the readings for a particular Sunday or Feast Day, who the writer was speaking to, and the issues that were being addressed in the context of the culture, I had the sense of wrestling with the Word like Jacob, to grasp in the darkness of my initial perception, the Spirit’s meaning. The Word shone light on my own experiences, hoping that in sharing them they might resonate with others’ experiences and help them. Even in giving the Homily for a particular congregation, I experienced the Spirit at work suggesting better ways and helpful words to feed the hungers in the human heart.
I have always felt the obligation to preach well for the sake of the people; a craft with the help of the Spirit to make the homilies personal and nurturing, relevant to those who listened. Delving into the scripture guided by the insights of scholars and homilists, listening to the wisdom of ordinary people, writers, current news and events, but especially having time to ruminate and be guided by the Spirit in what I have to say to the congregation on any particular Sunday was both fascinating and challenging.
I wish to thank my friend Anthony Lim for his encouragement and for bringing all these homilies together in printed form in line with the lectionary. Thanks to Fr Michael Kelly CssR for his assistance with Year C, Fr Brendan Byrne S. J. for his advice, Deirdre Heffernan, Rev Sharne Rolfe for reading and offering helpful comments, and finally, Annie Frances Hall who edited the three years of Homilies and added the scriptural citations to complete this work.
After some thought I decided to put all these homilies on our Pallottine Website, hoping it can be of service to other priests and people in their own Wrestling with the Word. Praise be to the Father, Son and Spirit and thanks to all who have inspired me to write.
Fr Pat Jackson SAC
I wish to dedicate this work to my twin brother
Dr Michael Jackson D Theol, (Manly); D. Psych, (Deakin)
Who died on October 21st at 3.00am in Bunbury
mourned by his loving wife and companion, Ann.
He lived for Jesus, sought for truth, had great empathy
for people in need, and for me and for many a source
of wisdom, understanding and life-giving spirituality
And to mum and dad who laid the faith foundation for their six children
and who inspired us to live it as a team,
supporting each other throughout our lives.
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Members of the Regional Council are elected by the finally professed members of the SAC for a term of three years by means of a secret ballot.
The Secretary and Bursar are appointed by the council.
At present the positions for the Australian Regional Council are held by:
Fr Dean Bradbury SAC
Regional Leader
Vice Regional & Consultor
Fr Jude D'Rosario SAC
"The Love of Christ impels us on" - 2 Cor 5:14
Regional Leader
Dean Bradbury
C/- Pallotti College, Millgrove 3799
Postal address: PO Box 838 Warburton 3799
Telephone: +61 438 662 585
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please complete the form below to contact us via email.
The General Administration is elected every six years by the General Assembly in which the confreres who represent the various Pallottine communities around the world participate.
The General Administration is elected every six years by the General Assembly in which the confreres who represent the various Pallottine communities around the world participate.
The present General Administration was elected in October 2022. The main part of the General Administration is made of the General Council, consisting of the Rector General and four consultors. Each of the five members of the General Council represents one of the principle languages or the geographical regions and cultures of the Society. To the present General Council belongs representatives of the German, Polish, French-Italian, English and Portuguese-Spanish languages. Besides the General Council, the following are part of the General Administration: Procurator General, Secretary General and the Bursar General. Procurator General is responsible for the contacts between the Society and the Holy See, the General Secretary is responsible for the ordinary functioning of the Administration and the General Bursar is responsible for the administration of the goods and finances of the Society.
Rector General
Fr. Zenon Hanas
General Consultors
Fr. Murphy Jeremiah
Fr. Nkodo Joseph Jules
Fr. Rocchetti Daniel
Fr. Rahul Philips
Procurator General
Fr. Adam Golec
General Bursar
Fr. Vanderlei Luiz Cargnin
General Secretary
Fr. Yetukuri Showri Raju
Casa Generalizia
Rector General
Church of San Salvador on |
Belonging to the Pallottine Family - Belonging to the UAC
"The Union of Catholic Apostolate, a gift of the Holy Spirit, is a communion of the faithful who, united with God and with one another in accordance with the charism of St Vincent Pallotti, promote the co-responsibility of all the baptized to revive faith and rekindle charity in the Church and in the world, and bring all to unity in Christ." (Gen. St. UAC 1)
We look to St Vincent Pallotti, our Founder who sought to bring about the revival of the Church in his time (1795-1350). He called upon all Christians to unite in an active response to Gods call.
"Whether young or old, healthy or sick, alone or in community, in any position of life given to them by God, all can participate fully in the apostolic mission of Jesus Christ by any means whatever."
In 1835, in response to this vision, he founded the Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC), encouraging all to live with integrity according to their faith and tradition. The UAC is a communion of persons and communities which, according to the charism of St. Vincent Pallotti, promotes: the co-responsibility of all the baptised for the revival of faith; the re-enkindling of love in the Church and in the world; and the unity of all people in Christ.
In Australia, the many people who have heard about and been inspired by this vision of St Vincent Pallotti are known as the Pallottine Family. We are united across many different ways of life and over large distances by a strong spirit bond which helps to empower us in the daily challenge to respond to our call to be Christian people.
In recent years, the Union of Catholic Apostolate has grown to new life and has spread to many parts of the world. An International Secretariat has been set up in Rome to help facilitate this development. National Co-ordinating groups (made up of representatives of various expressions of Pallotti’s vision) have also been established.
Our Local Committee invites you to consider an opportunity to affirm your commitment to live out Pallotti’s vision in our daily call to love.
UAC members:
- commit themselves to their apostolic calling
- are affirmed at a national and international level
The mission of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (SAC) is in line with the mission of Jesus Christ and of the Church - “to revive faith and re-enkindle charity of the entire People of God and to spread the faith and charity in the world, so that soon there may be but one flock and one shepherd” (John 10,16).
In general, the mission of the SAC is to increase the collaboration among the members of the Church, that is, among the diocesan priests, the male and female religious, and the laity, to fully and efficiently fulfil the apostolic tasks.
The Society of the Catholic Apostolate (SAC) is a core community of the Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC). As such it shares responsibility with others for the spirituality and the apostolic effectiveness of the whole Union. In many ways, the mission of the SAC is realised in concrete ways through the UAC.
The Society of the Catholic Apostolate (SAC) is an international community of priests and brothers, founded by St. Vincent Pallotti (1795 – 1850) from whose name comes the popular name “Pallottines”. The official, Latin name for the Society is Societas Apostolatus Catholici, hence the abbreviation SAC.
Members of the SAC are found in more than 48 countries worldwide and in more than 300 local communities. We use seven 'official' languages: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.
In the Australian Region, Pallottine communities can be found in Western Australia and Victoria.
The members, priests and brothers, bind themselves to the Society by the promises of chastity, poverty, obedience, perseverance, the sharing of resources and the spirit of service.
The basic motto of the Society is the words of St. Paul:
“The love of Christ urges us” (2 Cor 5,14).
Mary, Queen of Apostles, is the Patroness of the Society.
The Society is part of the Union of the Catholic Apostolate (UAC), founded in 1835.
If you would like to find out more about the Pallottine Family in Australia or would like to join us in our daily call to love, please contact us.
UAC National Coordination Council
Contact Person: Mary Whiting (President)
UAC Local Committee East
Contact Person: Fr Leenus Neetany SAC
Postal Address:
74 Grange Road
Glen Huntly Vic 3163
Telephone: +61 3 9401 6336
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
UAC Local Committee West
Contact Person: Tricia Wisolith
Postal Address:
89 Central Road
Rossmoyne WA 6148