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Aboriginal Scholarships

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The Pallottine Aboriginal Scholarship Trust offers scholarships to Aboriginal people who wish to undertake post-secondary studies. They are offered to those both living and studying in WA.

Successful applicants will receive a grant to cover course fees, and thus eliminate any HECS debt after graduation. The funds are paid directly to their educational institute, for a maximum of three years.


The Trust was established and the first grants offered in 2001. The initial funds were set aside following the sale of an Aboriginal student hostel at Rossmoyne WA

Generous institutions and people have since contributed additional large and small amounts as a personal gesture towards the facilitation of tertiary Aboriginal education. This need grows annually – a Donation Form is attached for those able to assist.


  • must be submitted on the form provided
  • must be submitted YEARLY for a maximim of 3 years
  • must be received by the closing date of 31 October for the following year.

Successful applicants will be advised around February the following year, once confirmation has been received that the student has been accepted by their chosen institution, and the cost of fees has been advised.

Funding for SEM II each year is conditional on a Report on SEM I progress. A fresh application must be made for each of the three years, or to cover their first degree [if this is a 4 yr course].


GUIDELINES are attached. 

Completed and signed applications need to be received by October 31st of the year prior to study.

Please email your completed application form to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A hard copy would also be appreciated, mailed as follows:

c/o 60 Fifth Ave