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"Who will not burn with holy enthusiasm and aid the Society with his help and cooperation?" This question, asked by Saint Vincent Pallotti nearly two hundred years ago, still demands an answer today. We invite you to learn more about us, the Society of the Catholic Apostolate. The Charism of our founder, Saint Vincent Pallotti, invites all believers to realize their apostolic vocation-to love God and to shower God's love on others. Under the protection and guidance of Mary, Queen of Apostles, we work to do everything possible for the infinite glory of God. We invite you to join with us in being an image of God's love to all.


As a Pallottine Father or Brother you will be called to sacrifice the need for personal power and possessions, the option of marriage and other choices.  Life in the Pallottine Community is fulfilled through each member’s unique contribution in furthering the Church’s mission to renew faith and rekindle love.

Discerning your call to become a Pallottine requires prayer and reflection.  Walking with God allows you to better understand how the Lord is working in your life.  Personal prayer offers strong support in any major life defining decision.  Seek the prayerful support of family and friends as a component in your decision.  Listen and you will hear what God has planned for you.

Spiritual direction is also a powerful means of discerning the Lord’s call in your life.  A spiritual director will help you better understand where God is leading you and encourage you to live a deeper spiritual life faithfully responding to the Lord.

A Vocation Prayer

God, our creator, you have given me the gift of life.
Through Baptism you invite me to share that gift of life in service to others.
Be with me as I choose each day to show your presence to all I meet.
Please guide me and help me to know the vocation to which you are calling me.
Give me the generosity and courage to respond to you so that I might live life fully, enriching others along the way.


Vocations Team:

Contact: Br Lindsay Rust SAC
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile Phone: 0417 648 162
Postal Address: 74 Grange Road
Glen Huntly Vic 3163