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Regional Council of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate

Members of the Regional Council are elected by the finally professed members of the SAC for a term of three years by means of a secret ballot.

The Secretary and Bursar are appointed by the council.

At present the positions for the Australian Regional Council are held by:

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Fr Dean Bradbury SAC
Regional Leader

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Vice Regional & Consultor 

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Fr Jude D'Rosario SAC

"The Love of Christ impels us on"2 Cor 5:14


Regional Leader
Dean Bradbury
C/- Pallotti College, Millgrove 3799
Postal address: PO Box 838 Warburton 3799

Telephone: +61 438 662 585
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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