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Mariana Community

mariana01The Mariana Community is a group of lay women who have recognised and responded to Christ’s invitation to live a consecrated life in and for the world. Inspired by Mary, St Vincent Pallotti and others, we live with a firm commitment to act with love, guided by the following Spirit Statement:

Mariana women, inspired by the discipleship of Mary, Pallotti and others, live lives of love in and for the world - acting justly, loving tenderly, and walking humbly with our God, as we respond to the call to transform all of creation.

After a formation time we have a Consecration Ceremony at which we pledge to live loving God and others with the help of the promises of chastity, poverty and obedience according to the Mariana way of life. The individuals’ giftedness influences the way each member takes responsibility for putting this commitment into practice.

Since our beginnings in 1957, we have been a small group of women who continue to develop an understanding of living as single consecrated women within the Church and in society. We support each other through our prayer life, our liturgical celebrations, our gatherings, ongoing formation and connectedness - both formally and informally - within the everyday. We are committed to implementing Laudato si in our homes and lives.

mariana02Individually, members are responsible for their own finances, employment, living arrangements, and retirement. Members have followed a range of occupations always endeavouring to witness to the love of God in all spheres of their lives. We have reached the stage where no members of our Community are still in the paid workforce.

There are members in two states of Australia. Most of us however live in and around Melbourne. We are part of day-to-day Australian society sharing in responding to the many issues that impact our lives. The Mariana Community is an autonomous member body of the Union of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottine Family) and so has worldwide links.

For further information please write to:

Mariana Community
31a Gooch Street, Thornbury Vic 3071
or phone Cheryl Sullivan on 0417 386 706